How to Get the Best Rates on Your Hotel Stay!

Due to the economy being so pathetic right now many of us are tightening our belts, but we still do not want to leave that family vacation or yearly trip out of your plans. We still want to travel and have a great time, but we know we have to do it on less money than we normally would spend because everything else has become more expensive. The good news is that you can get cheap hotel rates very easily by booking online. Here is what you must know.

If you want to save money on your hotel stay, then you must book online, you can use sites like priceline,, or expedia. You can have good hotel rates and cheap hotel rates compared to what the actual hotel would charge you. They are set up to give you the best discount only when you purchase a package including your airfare and rental car as well. If you do not need these things, though, and you just want a hotel, then the rate is only average.

Imagine staying in a five star hotel that normally runs over $200 a night for less than $100 a night. This is very possible and you can make this a reality. You can also downgrade and save even more money. The best part is that you can do this from the comfort of your home right online without any hassle.

The last thing you have to consider is how will you know if the hotel is any good or not since they are obviously going to put their best pictures online. Well, the best part about these sites is that once a guest has stayed in a hotel they are offered a discount to book in the future if they review it. This gives you dozens sometimes hundreds of reviews on the hotels you are considering to help you make up your mind.

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