Halloween comes once a year and its the one night that being someone else is acceptable. My friends and I certainly enjoy it and here are a few ideas of what to be as a couple or a group. Last year I went as Roger Rabbit and she went Jessica Rabbit.
We painted my face, got red overall and bought some ears that were a foot tall and strapped on with a white head cover. She found a dress just like the movie, bought gloves to match the movie and then a long red wig. We were the best costume at two parties we went to and had a great time. This year is us and friends as Spanky and Our Gang.
We have done the Bavarian beer couple with lederhosen and all the fixings. Its fun to do the goofy things as well as the sexy things for the parties with your adult friends and going out to the bars. Take the doctor and the nurse, a simple set of scrubs for him and a short nurse dress, blonde wig and your set. These are just a few ideas to think of for this best day of the year.
You can be the character of the year with just a few costume add-ons or buy a complete adult costume if you like. If you are looking for the kid costume try and get a complete costume, its sometimes easier and they seem to want to be a character that is currently all the craze.
If you are looking for 100’s of great kids costumes plus the newest craze for this year, Joker Costume from Batman The Dark Knight try and get a complete costume, its sometimes easier and they seem to want to be a character that is currently all the craze.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1284275