I have commitment issues. With perfume that is. So when I heard about Scentbird on instagram I was ecstatic. Simply speaking, Scentbird is a perfume subscription. As Scentbird says, “Date perfumes before marrying them.” For $14.95 a month(free shipping) you can pick a new fragrance every month(you receive a 30-day supply of the scent) from a selection of 450+ fragrances.
You receive a chic reusable case to keep your perfume in(it’s very easy to switch out the fragrance “cartridge” when you receive your next months choice.) This subscription service is perfect for someone like me who loves trying new perfumes but doesn’t want to spend $100 dollars every month or two buying a new fragrance only to grow tired of it.
I chose Tom Ford’s Black Orchid scent for my first month(love,love,love.) Scentbird also has cologne for men as well. I definitely recommend Scentbird to all of the perfume lovers out there, as Scentbird’s service allows you to build up a lovely yet practical collection of fragrances for under $15 a month. If you are an early bird for holiday shopping, Scentbird subscriptions are going to become the hot gift to send out this holiday season.
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