What is CBD water?

CBD is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant.

Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not psychoactive. Thus, it doesn’t produce the same high that’s associated with THC or marijuana (1Trusted Source).

CBD has been well studied for its medicinal properties. Research suggests it may relieve chronic pain and help reduce anxiety and inflammation (2Trusted Source3Trusted Source4Trusted Source).

You can now buy a variety of CBD products, including oils, capsules, and gummies, among other edibles.

CBD water, which is made by infusing water with CBD particles, is one of the newest forms to hit the market.

Manufacturers claim that drinking it can be an easy way to get your CBD fix and reap its potential health benefits.

CBD water contains minimal amounts of CBD

One of the main problems with CBD water is that most brands contain very little CBD.

The amount in each serving fluctuates by brand, but most provide around 2–5 mg.

Although dosage recommendations can vary, most studies evaluating this compound’s beneficial effects have used doses of at least 15 mg per day (5Trusted Source).

Many companies justify their products’ low CBD content by claiming that they use nanotechnology to decrease particle size and boost your body’s ability to absorb and utilize CBD.

Research on the effects of nanotechnology on CBD absorption is limited. However, one study found that lipid-based CBD nanoparticles may be better absorbed by your body (6Trusted Source).

More studies are needed to determine whether using nanoparticles in CBD water has any effect on absorption.

Is CBD Water Right For You?

The only way to know if CBD water is right for you is to man (or woman) up and give it a try. When you think about it, what have you got to lose? CBD doesn’t have any side effects and there’s no way to take too much.

Really, it all comes down to personal preference. Do you like getting your CBD in the water your drink? Or do you prefer another delivery method? You won’t know for sure until you try them all.

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