Cellucor C4 Extreme For Superb Bodybuilding

If you regularly work out, are a sports buff or an athlete, you know that energy is everything. With enough energy, you can do anything you want or even exceed expectations. Workout supplements can give you that boost, that’s why the supplement market abounds with countless of brands extensively advertising that their product is the best. Then again, very few actually deliver according to their promises, such as Cellucor C4 Extreme. As a powdered energy supplement, C4 Extreme outperforms other energy enhancers in its class. Not only does it make you more energetic, but it also gives more stamina. What makes C4 so great?

NO3 or Nitrate, the advance compound in the C4 formulation enhances the effectiveness of your bodybuilding exercises. What makes C4 live up to its “Extreme” label is the combination of NO3 and Creatinine that increases the solubility of water in the muscles, resulting to better absorption. Another ingredient is Beta Alanine- it arrests fatigue and promotes muscular endurance. Beta Alanine is the element responsible for increasing your stamina and energy levels. Those times when you want to lift more weights but can’t because you no longer have the “oomph” are not a problem anymore because of Beta Alanine. Caffeine in coffee keeps you up- Cellucor Extreme has it, too. Niacinamide and Folic Acid are two other components. Niacine, a water- soluble B- Complex vitamin, also called Vitamin B3 is an important nutrition for bodybuilding. Another B- Vitamin, Folic Acid promotes healthy cell formation and higher energy levels.

Unlike other “tasteless” supplements, Cellucor is not a boring or bitter pill to swallow. Cellucor C4 Extreme is available in several delicious flavors, and even more tasty than usual, with other variations of icy blue razz, fruit punch, green apple, orange and watermelon.

How is Cellucor C4 Extreme taken?

Mix 1- 2 scoops of the powdered energy supplement with water or juice and drink 15- 30 minutes before workout. Those new to Cellucor Extreme should take it slow and easy for starters. Start with one scoop and gradually work it up to two.

Supplements are supposed to augment your nutritional requirements and support your exercise routine. It does not and cannot do the job alone. A healthy and protein- rich diet still is a major requirement for successful bodybuilding. Cellucor C4 Extreme has rave reviews as a bodybuilding supplement, but you will need to eat like a normal, healthy person and bodybuilder to get the best results. Eat well, keep a healthy bodybuilding routine, take supplements and consult an expert fitness trainer so you do bodybuilding exactly the way it should be done.

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